When we ran into a pink pistol pheno of the God Bud that tested at 4% CBD we knew that this phenomena needed to be shared.
Never before seen from our God Bud, we immediately started work. In one of Canada’s premiere medical marijuana research centers, we hit this special mother with a Harlequin Bx4 male that imparts no less than 7% CBD.
The CBD God was born and we are thrilled with the results!
During testing we found every seed to carry between 4% and 16% CBD. You still get your high THC God phenos, but now with a minimum of 4% CBD.
On the other side of the spectrum, you can find up to 16% CBD with only 4% THC – that is a 4 to 1 CBD to THC ratio!
Others balance around 1 to 1 while keeping the God flavor. BCBD’s highest CBD strain, a phenotype hunter’s dream and a medical marijuana patient’s miracle!
Additional Information
BC Bud Depot
Pack Size
10 Seeds
Mostly Indica
Strain Genetics
Isolated Pink Pistil High CBD God x Harlequin Bx4
Flowering Type
Flowering Time
8-9 weeks
Where to Grow
Indoor, Outdoor
Harvest Month
Indoor: 8-9 weeks / Outdoor: Mid-October
CBD Content
4% – 16%
THC Content
usually 1:1 THC – CBD
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